A community for sustainability-minded people.
This project was completed by Helen Quach in DGT HUM 110 Fall 2022. The goal of this project is to provide people with the resources to learn about one of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. The website features a News page, where users can easily access the latest relevant news regarding environmental sustainability, and a Community page, where users can interact with one another in a forum and ask questions about living a sustainable lifestyle, read reviews of local businesses, and recommend tips for other members of the community. The website is called Greenforum (stylized "greenforum") to emphasize the intersection between community and sustainability.
Throughout this project, I learned just how much effort and thought goes into designing a user interface, from research to design to evaluation and revision. I also learned about important things to keep in mind when designing a user application, such as accessibility. It was very satisfying to go through each step of the design process and create a polished product at the end. If there was something that I would do differently, I think that I would develop a mobile application with a more singular focus rather than a desktop website with two different functions. Overall, I was very satisfied with how this project turned out, and I hope to use the knowledge that I gained from this project in future designs.